Speaker: Kevin Dellicker

Title & Company: Manager, Dellicker Strategies, LLC

About: Kevin Dellicker is the founder and managing member of Dellicker Strategies, a cybersecurityand technology infrastructure company on the ESCNJ cooperative contract. He has been partnering with the ESCNJ for more than a decade and has served hundreds of New Jersey schools and municipalities.

Kevin Dellicker leads a team of professionals focused on improving the technology infrastructure of public organizations. Since starting his business in 2005, Dellicker Strategies has led more than 80 enterprise infrastructure upgrades worth almost $300 million across Pennsylvania and New Jersey. This includes acting as program consultant to the New Jersey Digital Readiness and Learning Assessment Program (NJDRLAP), the state’s most popular Internet and telecommunications cooperative contract.

Dellicker Strategies’ current focus is on cybersecurity. He and his firm have developed an innovative and cost-effective approach to protecting digital information that is interdisciplinary, practical, and effective. It combines new tools with proven methods and cybersecurity awareness training in a way that schools and municipalities can afford, helping dozens of public organizations get cybersecurity under control.

Class Session: Collaborative Cybersecurity

Speaker: Ron Meischker

Title & Organization: Director of Industry and Labor Compliance, Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters.

About: With more than 25 years of construction regulatory and compliance experience, Ron is widely regarded as an expert in labor regulations and identifying and exposing construction industry fraud. He has provided investigative, audit, and best practices training to the following government agencies: 

  • Internal Revenue Service 
  • United States Department of Labor 
  • New Jersey Department of Labor 
  • NJ Department of Treasury Division of Taxation 
  • New Jersey Office of the Attorney General 
  • Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry 
  • Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General 
  • Maryland Comptroller’s Office 
  • Baltimore City Comptroller’s Office 
  • Baltimore City Wage Commission 
  • District of Columbia’s Department of Employment Services 
  • District of Columbia Office of the Attorney General 
  • District of Columbia Department of Taxation
  • Delaware Department of Labor 
  • Delaware Department of Justice- Office of Attorney General 
  • Delaware Department of Finance 
  • West Virginia Department of Taxation 
  • Virginia Tax 
  • Virginia Office of the Attorney General 

Ron currently serves as a member of the NJ Governor’s Building Trades Construction Industry Fraud Committee and the DC Attorney General’s Construction Worker Misclassification Task Force. He was also selected to serve on DC Attorney General Brian Schwalb’s Transition Team. 

Class Session: Best Practices for Managing Public-Funded Construction Projects

Speaker: Arthur Staerk

Title & Company: Director, AccuScan

About: Arthur Staerk is the Director of AccuScan, a company that specializes in all forms
of scanning, digital archiving and cad conversion. Started in 1996 AccuScan
specializes in serving the needs of the educational, and municipal government
document conversion and data management. Our customers include over 350
New Jersey municipalities and school districts.

Art stresses compliance with New Jersey DORES requirements for record
retention, scanning and State approved record disposal. Art prepares and
submits the required compliance pieces ensuring conformance for all districts
and municipalities AccuScan serves.

Arthur Staerk is a member of Association for Information & Image Management
(AIIM) and is sought out by professional organizations whose member institutions
are seeking answers and best practices for Enterprise Content Management
(ECM) of their paper and digital documents. Some of the groups that Mr. Staerk
has addressed are the NJASBO County Chapters, New Jersey School Buildings
and Grounds Association, Annual Meetings of the Pennsylvania Association of
School Business Officials (PASBO), NJ Hospital Facility Managers (HFMS) of
NJ, New York State Association of Buildings and Grounds Supervisors, and each
of the 3 different state chapters of the Eastern Regional Association of Higher
Education Plant Managers (ERAPPA).

Class Session: Solving Your Records Management Problems Forever

Speaker: Keith Gourlay

Title & Company: Executive Director, New Jersey School Building & Grounds Association

About: Keith Gourlay is the Executive Director for the New Jersey School Buildings and Grounds Association moving on to that role after retiring from public schools. Keith has decades of hospital and public school experience specializing in facilities management with a focus on project management and health and safety. Keith has been an instructor for the Rutgers Certified Educational Facility Manager program for 30 years sharing his knowledge and experience with those coming through the program.

Class Session: Lithium-Ion Battery Safety with Dr. Kevin Doyle, Ed.D

Speaker: Dr. Kevin S. Doyle, Ed.D

Title & Company: District Supervisor of Science for the Morris Hills Regional District, Chairperson of the Safety Advisory Board for the National Teaching Association


Kevin S Doyle, Ed.D., is the District Science Supervisor for the Morris Hills Regional District and the Math & Science Magnet Program coordinator. He has over 30 years of experience in high school education. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Seton Hall University, a Master of Science in Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment from Walden University, a Master of Science in Educational Leadership from New England College, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Rutgers University. 

He is the National Science Teachers Association Safety Advisory Board chairperson, an NSTA Safety Blog contributor, a Science/STEM Safety Consultant, a journal author, and a nationally recognized expert presenter on Science/STEM Laboratory Safety. He is also a book reviewer for the International Technology and Engineering Education Association. In the last few years, he has co-authored the âScience Safety Laboratory Manual, 4th ed.â and several journal articles on science safety and mentorship. He has earned the OSHA 501 - General Industry Certificate.

Dr. Doyle is the president of Kevin Doyle Consulting, LLC, which provides Science/Safety Safety consulting and other services. He has consulted for various organizations and schools across New Jersey, helping to keep others safe in their learning environments. 

Class Session: Lithium-Ion Battery Safety with Keith Gourlay

Speaker: James Shoop

Title & Company: Managing Member, Shoop SBA, LLC


Mr. James Shoop is a retired School Business Administrator from the City of
Passaic Public Schools and is the Managing Member of SHOOP SBA, LLC, a
consulting firm that provides services to public schools and charter schools.
He worked for the Passaic Public Schools for 42 years, seventeen (17) years in the
classroom and twenty-five (25) years in the Business Office.

Past Presentations:
He has made presentations since 1996 across the State of New Jersey for

  • NJASBO—New Jersey Association of School Business Officials
  • NJSBA—New Jersey School Boards Associations
  • GPANJ—Government Purchasing Association of New Jersey
  • Rutgers University—Center for Government Services

Mr. Shoop is also an authorized New Jersey Qualified Purchasing Agent Instructor.

Class Session: Public School Purchasing, Ethics in Purchasing, & Travel Requirements